Equine Biomechanics & Equestrian Surfaces: The Role Of The Equestrian Surface
In blog two of this series, we look at the role of the arena surface during each phase of the horses movement.
Equine Biomechanics & Equestrian Surfaces
By understanding the movement of the horse, we can better understand our needs from an equestrian surface…
Horse Arena Hazards You Need To Avoid
We want our arenas to be a safe space for our horses when being ridden, so here are the hazards you need to avoid…
Pole Storage In & Around The Arena
A Tidy Arena Means a Tidy Ride?? Well, something like that… in this blog by Tidy Tack Rooms, we’re given insight into pole storage in and around the arena!
Equestrian Arena Maintenance Basics
Our surfaces are super low maintenance but that doesn’t mean no maintenance! Here are some basics to keep your surface pristine for years to come!
Cooling Down A Horse In Winter Safely
Cooling down a horse in winter safely is vital!
Keeping The Arena Running In A Busy Livery Yard
Struggling with your arena on a busy livery yard? Tidy Tack Rooms have the answer
The Importance Of A Good Arena Base
Quality sands and aggregates are essential to a good arena base and a good arena base is essential to a good ridng surface!!
Why People Choose Foley’s Equestrian Surfaces
There’s a reason that equestrians choose Foley’s time and time again…